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What is a Frontend developer?

It is a person who first architects and then develops applications and websites by using various web technologies such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript and DOM). Open Web Platform is used to run these web technologies and sometimes act as compilation input for the environment of non-web platforms such as React Native.

This person makes sure users are able to easily see and interact with websites or Web Application, that is why front-end web development is known as a client-side development. Like mentioned before, CSS, JavaScript and HTML are produced through development practices that are done by the developer for a better user experience.

The world’s innovations shift with an enormous speed that is why techniques and tools for Front-end development constantly change and developers need to constantly upgrade their knowledge and follow the trends in order to keep being relevant for the clients.

A front-end developer is someone who is responsible for the interior design of your web or application that’s been built by a back-end developer.

Why do you need a Frontend Developer?

It is simple to understand that if you want your users/clients to visit your website or application to find out more about your product or service and increase the chance of buying your product, it is vital to have the best user experience possible. To make that happen you need to hire a professional who is qualified enough to make it possible for you and your users. Such professionals will work closely with you and your business goals to develop your website or application to provide the best interaction and ease of usage for your users.

We have outlined main reasons why organizations should hire professional Front-End Developer:

You Can Focus on Other Essential Things while all of the things mentioned above are done by a professional who knows what they are doing.

Roadmap of the Frontend Development:

Stage 1: Requirement Gathering (What the goal of the project is? Who is the target audience? How will they use the product?)

Stage 2: Creating Prototype

Stage 3: Development

Stage 4: QA and Testing

Stage 5: Maintenance and Support


Email : info@techfellas.se

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